Click here for the Pet Registry

These trees were planted in Shasta-Trinity National Forest
- Inez Valenzuela
- Sadie Valenzuela
- The Vaslows
- Alberto Vasquez
- Catherine & Scott Vendrelle
- Jason Vieaux
- Kate Vishnyakov
- Alonna Van Vlake
- Marlene Vogelsang
- Rita Wait
- Grace Walker
- Ladybug Walker
- Billie Wallace
- Deborah Willard & Dennis Shepard
- Linda Weaver
- Kavi Sugiharto Weber
- Jeremy Weiss
- Kenneth Wilkinson
- Art Winders
- Julia Wingert
- Larry Winne
- Laurie Wolgast
- Jennifer Wood
- Chris & Kerry Woodman
- Sterling Worthy
- Brent, Joelle, Jake, Quinn & Kira Yamada
- John Yankovich
- Don & Jen Yates
- Sher Yeuroukis
- Alice & Cecil Youngblood
- Gloria Zaitz
- Rebecca Zak