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We've planted trees since we sprouted in 2007

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Kim Isley Kim - Founder/Treelover-in-Chief

"Trees for a Change really sprouted when I was 5 and started a business selling glittered pinecones on a card table in front of my house. Ever since then I've wanted to be my own boss and as an adult I just had to figure out how to combine that desire with my love for nature and creating things.

I got the idea for Trees for a Change in 2006 when I read that one of the best things you can do for the earth is to plant a tree. Planting a tree for someone you care about seemed like the perfect gift idea: it benefits the planet and it isn't more stuff- it's a gift that feels good to give.  And for memorials, trees are so much better than flowers- they are a meaningful, living tribute that truly honors someone.

In 2007 I decided to take the leap, and I did extensive research on reforestation projects to figure out where our trees would do the most good.  I named it Trees for a Change because I wanted to change the way we think about gift giving- I wanted to help people think of giving a gift as an opportunity to make a difference. 

I absolutely love going to visit the baby trees- it's like a spiritual pilgrimage for me every time. I would have a hard time really describing the eerie feeling of being in a totally desolate, quiet, burned up forest.  It's haunting.  And then I walk around amongst the charred tree trunks and eventually come to a baby tree that is maybe a foot tall.  It's new life. It's hope. It's magical.  It has been my trips to the trees that have made me really understand that every single tree matters. Every. Single. One.

Many years into Trees for a Change and thousands of trees planted later, I feel full of gratitude. I am so grateful for all the people who dedicate Tree Gifts, I'm grateful for all the stories I have heard about how powerful and meaningful this gift is, I'm grateful for all the relationships I have built through this company, and I'm grateful for all the support and love I've received from so many sources. I'm grateful that you care enough about what we do to bother to read this :)

I hope you find our Tree Gifts to be a beautiful way to celebrate another person while doing something good for the earth and her future generations. Please know that when you order a gift from Trees for a Change, your gift has been created with the care and attention I would put into gifts for my own loved ones.

I am thrilled to offer you Trees for a Change because a change in the way we give gifts really can mean a change in the world."



Senior Order Processor / Collective Grove Manager

Michelle - Senior Order Processor Michelle - Custom Grove Manager

"When I'm not processing Tree Gift orders, I'm hanging out with my husband and son, walking my four dogs, creating tie dyed clothes and tapestries, or painting. Born and raised in Northern California, I have spent a lifetime playing in the forest. I run on creativity and a love for nature."

I love working for Trees for a Change for many reasons. Knowing I am part of such a wonderful company makes working feel more like a good deed. It feels great to know that we are giving back to the earth with every gift we process. Tree by tree, we really are making a difference."



Customer Care Specialist / Admin Support

Chris - Customer Care Specialist / Admin Support Chris - Customer Care Specialist / Admin Support

"As a young girl growing up in the midwest, I loved to watch the seasons change while exploring the trails in the Forest Preserves near our home.  After settling in northern California, I discovered the rolling hills of oak woodlands and the towering majestic redwoods.  I've spent many happy hours hiking and backpacking through forested parks, and am deeply grateful for everyone who has had a part in preserving these wild lands. 

My free time finds me on the trail, or paddling my kayak, or at home working on a quilt for the newest baby in my circle of family and friends.  I feel very blessed to be a part of our effort to plant native trees to keep our forests strong and healthy for my grandchildren to enjoy as I always have."


Tree Team 2024  Tree team Armstrong Woods