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How our Baby Trees are Born


October 2023

Ever wondered about our tree planting process?

Well, here you go!


Step one:

Wildfire in a National Forest

After a wildfire in a National Forest, Forest Service experts inspect the area to determine if trees will grow back on their own or not.



Step Two:

Baby trees  back in 2011

To restore areas in desperate need of help, native species pinecones are gathered from areas with the same elevation and climate as the burned area.



Step Three:

Pinecones shipped to regional Forest Service nursery

Pinecones are shipped to a regional Forest Service nursery, where they dry and open.



Step Four:

Viable seeds are separated & good seeds planted in soil

Viable seeds are separated from the duds, and the good seeds are planted in high quality soil.



Step Five:

Baby trees growing in the nursery

Baby trees grow in the nursery for over a year while Forest Service experts prepare the burned area and make sure it is safe for the workers and ready for planting.



Step Six: 

baby trees shipped back to the forest for planting

The baby trees are shipped back to the forest for planting. They have a very high survival rate because they are genetically ready for the climate, altitude and soil conditions of the area.



Step Seven:

  Baby Trees planted under Fundraiser

The baby trees are planted at the optimum time of year, usually late Spring or early Summer. They grow and thrive and THANKS TO FOLKS LIKE YOU, a forest is restored. 

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